In-app courses

Education is the core of our business. An app is the best tool to deliver educational content

to people. Use this feature to educate your users about nutrition, diet, and healthy habits.

In-app training and course management

With our system you can create short or long training courses, master classes with scheduled steps.

Trainings, online courses

Challenge tracker

Our tracker can follow up on users’ progress in educational content, assign exercises, and measure them.

Track user behaviour

Special educational content flow

Do you already have your content stored somewhere? With our system you can include

your own blog posts, infographics, and videos in a flow of educational content. You don't

need to move your content; we can incorporate it into the app.

Different content types


With our analytics we can set up special stats tracking your users' behavior. It is important to see which educational content is performing the best so that you can promote them more efficiently.

Challanges & user analytics
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